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Your journey to wellbeing starts here. Today.

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Healthy and balanced in life, successful at work. Sounds good? Then join the wellbeing movement with Urban Sports Club.

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The era of wellbeing has just begun—are you on board? Whether in your personal life or at work, people are happiest and most productive when they find the right balance.

Wellbeing has evolved from a buzzword into a crucial element of a successful and modern workplace.

And it all starts here—with Urban Sports Club. Choose from over 50 sports, wellness activities, and mindfulness courses, available both on-site and online, all with maximum flexibility.

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Your Wellbeing.
As Flexible as You Are.

Discover more than 50 sports and wellness activities for the perfect balance.

So geht Wellbeing bei Hotel 25H

Motivated during
after-work fitness

at work

Flexible in your
yoga session

in meetings

Balanced with
live online classes

Relaxed with
loved ones

in boxing

More Wellbeing,
More Benefits

Increase Productivity


Active employees are more focused, creative, and effective.

Reduced Absenteeism


Healthy employees are less likely to fall ill, keeping productivity stable.

Higher Employee Retention


Companies that prioritize wellbeing are more attractive and reduce turnover.

Improved Mental Health


Wellbeing programs reduce stress and foster a positive work environment.

Support for Work-Life Balance


Wellbeing initiatives help maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Inspired by you.
Designed for businesses.

Wellbeing at
25hours Hotel

At 25hours Hotels, employee wellbeing is a top priority, with fitness and wellness programs from Urban Sports Club.


... as priority.

Atlas Copco

“In our industry, we face high demands, from shift work to weekends. So, offering a meaningful balance was important to us.”

Head of People & Culture

Atlas Copco

“I love that every day in my job is different. It’s the same with Urban Sports Club. With all the sports and wellness options available, I never get bored.”

F&B Assistant & Purchaser

Wellbeing at
Holmes Place

Wait, what? A fitness company offering sports and wellness benefits to its own employees? Yes, absolutely!

Holmes Place employees regularly use the company's Urban Sports Club membership for sports and wellness activities themselves.

Two partners, one goal ...

... to promote wellbeing.

Holmes Place

“Thanks to Urban Sports Club, we can offer our teams at Holmes Place a variety of fitness and wellness options that complement our clubs perfectly.”

Veronika Gersdorf
Recruiting & Employer Branding Specialist

Holmes Place

“With Urban Sports Club, I can mix up my workout routine and even stay active with friends who are also members. It’s perfect!”

Samanta Jane Büchner
Social Media Manager

Wellbeing at
Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco prioritizes employee wellbeing as we experienced firsthand when we worked out together after touring their production facilities.

The perfect balance...

... with Urban Sports Club

Atlas Copco

“We value giving our employees access to health and wellness offerings. There’s a strong awareness of how important self-care is.”

Stephan Wilhelm Hülsmann
Global Communications Coordinator

Atlas Copco

“Urban Sports Club allows me to seamlessly integrate my personal and professional schedule. This freedom significantly enhances my work-life balance.”

Ehsan Jalalisadr
Technical Group Lead Software & Drives Vacuum Technique Service

So geht Wellbeing bei DRV

So geht Wellbeing
bei DRV

Holmes Place? Klar, das sind die schicken, modern ausgestatteten Fitnessstudios, die du sicherlich auch aus deiner Stadt kennst. Schon lange verbindet Holmes Place und Urban Sports Club ein Ziel: Die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen zu fördern. Doch das ist längst nicht alles.

Holmes Place-Angestellte selbst checken auch regelmäßig mit dem Firmenangebot von Urban Sports Club zu Sport und Wellness ein.Wie jetzt? Ein Fitnessunternehmen, das seinen Mitarbeitenden Sport und Wellness als Benefit anbietet? Ja klar!

Zwei Partner,

Holmes Place

”Dank Urban Sports Club können wir unseren Teams bei Holmes Place vielfältige Fitness- und Wellnessmöglichkeiten anbieten, die eine optimale Ergänzung zu unseren Clubs darstellen.”

Veronika Gersdorf – Recruiting & Employer Branding Specialist

Holmes Place

”Dank Urban Sports Club können wir unseren Teams bei Holmes Place vielfältige Fitness- und Wellnessmöglichkeiten anbieten, die eine optimale Ergänzung zu unseren Clubs darstellen.”

Veronika Gersdorf – Recruiting & Employer Branding Specialist

Your journey to wellbeing starts here. Today.

Are you ready to bring wellbeing to your company? Are you an employee who wants to recommend Urban Sports Club to your employer? Or do you have more questions?

We’d love to hear from you—just fill out the contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Euer Wellbeing beginnt hier. Heute.

Bist du bereit, Wellbeing in dein Unternehmen zu holen? Bist du Angestellte:r und möchtest Urban Sports Club deiner Firma empfehlen? Oder hast du noch Fragen?

Wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören und sind für dich da! Fülle einfach das Kontaktformular aus, und wir melden uns so schnell wie möglich bei dir.

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